Miss Pym Disposes - Josephine Tey

Josephine Tey
Novel read on Project Gutenberg Australia
Unfortunately I have finished reading the Inspector Alan Grant series, but I discovered that Josephine Tey had written two other crime novels.
Miss Pym is an educated physical teacher, but she gets a legacy and is able to stop working. She is interested in psychology, and writes a book as she finds lots of nonsense in the ones she has read. By chance it is published and she suddenly find herself to be famous. A former schoolmate, now principal of a college for physical culture, invites her to come and give a lecture. Miss Pym thrives in the company of the students and prolongs her visit.
Before the girls  have finished their final exams and performances, some of them are offered employment. The most attractive and esteemed job at Arlinghurst is not offered to the student everyone thinks has deserved it. Later a student is badly hurt because a boom hasn't been secured correctly, and Miss Pym finds herself in quite a dilemma.
